• Off-Mains Sewage & Drainage Specialists
  • 24h Service : 07801 142434

Covid-19 Customer Information

Covid-19 Customer Information


How we are working to keep our staff and customers safe

CESS is open and our installation and drainage teams are operating normally. Due to Covid-19 and Government guidelines, we have implemented measures and working practices to maintain social distancing and public safety, while providing as normal service as possible.  You can read more about the measures we have taken below, if you have questions, please contact us

Company measures

Until further notice we can only undertake projects where access to site can be made without entering customers’ homes or business premises.  We have carried out a thorough review of our safety and working practices under Covid-19 and our staff have been fully briefed.  Company measures include

  • Guidance to staff regarding social distancing, working on site and the use of PPE
  • A ban on CESS employees entering customers’ homes or accepting any refreshments
  • New procedures for communicating remotely with customers on site
  • Increased cleaning of vehicles and tools
  • Weekly site spot checks to ensure staff are following guidelines and have the equipment they require
  • Monthly review of Covid-19 working procedures and PPE stock levels

Staff safety

Our staff have been fully briefed on the measures we are taking to protect them and customers.  Protective gloves, face masks, and hand sanitiser have been provided and regular handwashing is encouraged.  Social distancing will be practised where possible and facemasks will be used where distancing cannot be maintained. Staff are not permitted to enter the home or premises of any customer and refreshments and food will not be accepted.

If staff feel that they cannot carry out their work without putting themselves or customers at risk, we reserve the right to pause works until appropriate arrangements can be made. In the unlikely event that we pause works, we will contact customers to discuss issues and suggest workable solutions.

Customer safety & working at your home

The safety measures we have implemented are intended to maintain social distancing wherever possible and minimise the risks to customers while providing a full and timely service.  Until further notice we are only able to undertake projects where the site can be accessed without our staff having to enter customers’ homes or business premises.

Staff have been fully briefed on social distancing and the safety measures we have implemented. Personal protective equipment has been issued to staff and vehicles are stocked. Weekly spot checks will be carried out across all our sites to ensure that staff are following working practices and observing social distancing where possible.

Staff will observe social distancing between themselves, customers, and the public wherever practical and possible.  Where social distancing cannot be maintained masks will be worn.

Should customers and our staff need to communicate while on site, the team leader responsible for the project will call the customer via mobile phone.  This will facilitate onsite communication without customers having to leave the safety and comfort of their home.

If you have questions about our Covid-19 safety and working practices or have questions about your own project, please do contact us info@cessgroup.co.uk